European Wesleyan Gathering Registration
Hotel Granada, Kecskemét, Hungary
May 8-11, 2024
Q: What time should I plan to arrive?
A: If possible, plan your travel on the 8th so that you arrive to the hotel before dinner at 18:00. We can check into our rooms anytime after 15:00. Our dinner will be the first thing together and following that, we will have our first session to welcome our time at the Gathering.
If you are not able to arrive until later in the evening on the 8th, that’s ok. We understand some of you are coming from a distance and travel plans are not always flexible.
Q: When is it ok to leave on the 11th?
A: There is no program on the 11th, so you are free to leave at any time. Breakfast is included that morning for those able to be there. Checkout time is 10:00.
Q: Is there parking at the hotel?
A: Yes, there is free parking at the hotel.
Q: Can I bring my pet?
A: No, sorry, no pets are allowed at this hotel.
Q: Where can I find more information about the hotel and its facilities?
A: You can find lots of information on their website: https://granadahotel.hu/en/our-hotel/
Q: Will there be childcare?
A: We are working to find a solution for this. If this is a need for you, please contact Kerensa (kerensa.mcfrederick@gponline.org) or Matt (mb5incz@gmail.com).